
Our Guarantee

Why this site you ask?

Have you ever searched for a site and upon clicking the link you arrive at a collection of extra information that you don't know where to start? There is a header with an ad for business cards. There are a multitude of Ads by Google on the borders and inserted into body of the text. Messy and confusing. Not Cerebral Diversions! We keep it simple and to the point. What You Want To See Is All You Get.

Finally, when you sift through to the real content, you find it is a repetition of another site or it is the same content that was there a month ago. Sometimes the "last update" is available and it is two years old. Not Cerebral Diversions! We will be updating with new content weekly. One of the websites in our group will be, which will serve as a newsletter of current and upcoming articles and events.

You can also imagine your frustrations when you click on another link to more information and you get a blank space with that little colorful square in the upper corner. The content is no longer available or it has been removed. Not Cerebral Diversions! We manage our site 24/7 and all of our content is embedded. It will always be a part of our site no matter what happens to the original.

Then of course there is the searching and sifting through multiple sites because not one site caters to all your interests. You can't expect one website to promote their competition. Not Cerebral Diversions! Since we promote all hobbies and hobbyists we welcome variety. We cover it all.

Our Guarantee:

  • We will promote new hobbyists as much as challenge the experienced.
  • This website will be void of outside advertising.
  • It will be managed and supervised daily.
  • It will be updated with new content weekly.
  • It will be a secure and safe site for all.
  • Content Providers will be compensated, monetarily.
  • Proceeds will improve the site.
  • To provide a place for all hobbyists to enhance their hobby through news, information, social networking, interactive participation, onsite forums and blogs, event planning and interviews with experts at their hobby.


Membership Details

There are three ways to use this site.

Be a guest and use all six websites free for one week. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
Join as a free member and get an ID and Password to participate in the community. (Blog and Forum). Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
Join for $1.50 / month  or  $15.00 / year. Get access to everything on all of the sites.


What you get for your membership:
1) Informational content for Beginners, Intermediates and Experts.
2) Projects to practice, challenge and hone your skills.
3) Mentorship opportunities for Experts.
4) Interviews with "hobby gurus".
5) Daily management and scheduled live support, with minimum response time.
6) Community blog and forum to share information with other hobbyists
7) A place to sell your hobby stuff to other members.
8) Unbiased reviews of products and stores.
9) Automatic membership in National Hobby Association.
10) Hobby News website updated weekly.
11) Opportunities for compensated content.
12) Opportunities for community involvement projects.
13) Live webcasts, Web seminars and Online conferencing.
14) No advertisements.


Membership Plans

Subscription Plans

Monthly Membership
Duration: 1 Month
Price: $1.50
Yearly Membership
Duration: 1 Year
Price: $15.00

Membership Status

You don't have any active subscription

legal stuff

Please feel free to read these incredibly boring yet legal transcripts. The gist is, do not steal or take credit for any of the information on this site, unless your name is in the byline. Do not use this site to promote anything beyond the scope of this site, and we do not share any of your personal information with anyone.

contact us

  • Talenth Inc.
  • Longview, TX, 75604
  • United States of America
  • (430) 558-0850